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Slate Turkeys

Note the slate-blue back feathers are edged with a darker shade of blue-grey.

Slate toms displaying.

Slate turkey pair.

Note each tail feather is tipped with white and has a 3cm dark grey band under the white tip. Light grey lines run across each tail feather.

Clear horizontal barring on primary wing feathers.

One-day old Slate turkey poults.

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The Australian Heritage Turkey Society Inc is a not-for-profit association with all monies raised from membership fees and fundraisers being used to further contribute to the goals of the Society e.g. to promote varieties of rare and heritage turkeys in Australia through Show Sponsorship (i.e. sashes/ rosettes and prize money), Website maintenance (i.e. license fees), and Publicity (i.e. flyers, banners, magazine advertisements). 


Last updated

September 2024

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