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Breeders Register

AHTSI recognises that there are many turkey breeders in Australia. Not all of these breeders are listed here. The breeders in the attached documents have been listed because they are members of the Australian Heritage Turkey Society and

- they have agreed to have their turkeys scrutinised by AHTSI's experienced breeders who know what specific colours and patterns pure-bred birds of each variety should have;

- their birds best represent the standard described in the Australian Poultry Standards 2nd edition;

- they are part of a breeder hub to be mentored in order to select the best birds for breeding, hence improving as time goes by. 


Remember that breeding seasons differ around the country, which may limit your selection at the time you're looking. 


The Breeder Register is presented in two different ways.

1. Lists of breeders of each of the 9 standard varieties, with their mobile number. Click on the variety name that you're interested in to open the document.


    Black       Blue     Bourbon Red     Bronze     Buff     Narragansett     Royal Palm     Slate     White


2. Breeders in each state/territory. 


These lists will be updated from time to time.


If you would like information on the approval process to become an AHTSI-registered breeder, contact Ros McMillan, the Breeding Hubs Coordinator, through this email.


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